HI! I am Joudi

I'm a

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Who Am I ?

About Me

Mohamed Joudi , Tunisian, I have been deeply passionate about computers and how they work. This fascination inspired me to pursue a degree in computer science, which I studied for several years.
Building upon my studies, I furthered my education at the Eszterhazy Karoly Fiscola in Hungary, focusing on application programming for two years. This experience allowed me to deepen my understanding of programming concepts and their practical applications in software development.
I have successfully completed the AZ104, AZ204, and AZ400 certifications, further solidifying my expertise in cloud computing and its related technologies.
Currently, I am eager to expand my knowledge and skills in the exciting field of cloud computing, as I believe it offers great potential for innovation and growth.

What Do

I Do ?
Scripting / Automatisation

Pipelines Jenkins
ARM Bicep Ansible Terraform
Delivery & Deployment
VMSS AZ App Service Docker K8s

Monitoring & Security

What I Did ?

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